Please donate today to help those in need
Every penny donated is spent SUPPORTING an adult or child impacted by domestic abuse
Donate online today
You can make a one-off or regular donation using the form below.
Other ways to donate to My CWA
There are plenty of other ways to donate while going about your everyday business – through work schemes such as payroll giving, while shopping online, and to honour a loved one’s memory. Click on the images below to learn more about how you can help us to help others.
make a difference
£5 could fund…
Cake, coffee and a chat for an individual at one of our support centres.
£10 could fund…
A care pack for a family containing essential items like nappies and toiletries.
£10 could fund…
A keeping safe and emotional well-being resource pack for children.
£25 could fund…
A food parcel for an individual coming into refuge accommodation.
£50 could fund…
A one-to-one support session with a specialist domestic abuse practitioner.
£100 could fund…
A ring doorbell for a vulnerable person allowing them to see a live video and communicate with the person at the door.