Since 1977, we’ve been helping people affected by domestic abuse. Find out more about who we help, how we help, our history and the services we offer here. Plus more about our ambitious vision:
“A healthy community where adults and children can live free from the fear of domestic abuse.”
Our history
Our vision, goals & values
Our services
How we help
We’re trained to recognise the signs and symptoms of domestic abuse.
When you contact us, we’ll assess the needs of your family members and help you respond to practical issues involving things like housing, legal aid and finances.
We can provide temporary, safe crisis accommodation for those in immediate danger who need to urgently escape from domestic abuse.
We run the Lily Jones Support Centre, where families can access drop-in advice, legal clinics and a range of support groups and recovery programmes.
We also offer counselling and specialist children’s support programmes. Visit our work to find out more about the services we offer.
Our services
At My CWA, we offer several services to: Adult domestic abuse survivors, children & young people, those who harm and worried friends & family. Find out more here.
Who we help
Domestic abuse can affect anyone. Our whole family service is designed to help everyone affected by domestic abuse.
Our history
My CWA was founded in 1977 by the late Lily Jones, who dedicated her life to helping those affected by domestic abuse. Find out more about how Lily’s legacy lives on here.
Our vision, goals & values
We have a clear vision, we work towards three distinct goals, and we have a set of core values that define the way we behave. Learn more here.