Fundraise for My CWA

Fundraising is absolutely essential to the success of My CWA. There are loads of ways you can raise money towards our continued efforts to provide a whole family service supporting those affected by domestic abuse.

  • £5 could fund cake, coffee and a chat for an individual at one of our centers

  • £10 could fund a care pack for a family containing essential items like nappies and toiletries

  • £10 could fund a keeping safe emotional well-being resource pack for children

  • £25 could fund a food parcel for an individual coming into refuge accommodation

  • £50 could fund a one-to-one support session with a specialist domestic abuse practitioner

  • £100 could fund a ring doorbell for a vulnerable person

There is no denying that the scale of the COVID-19 pandemic came as a surprise to the world, and the last year has been a difficult time for most of us.

We have all had to give up some degree of freedom and stay home as much as possible, but that does not mean we have to stop doing everything we love - we all just have to be more organised and careful than before, and fundraising is no different.

We know how important fundraising is not just for the people who need our help, but also for those of us who spend our time and energy to try and help people in need. This is even more important as thousands of charity events have been cancelled because of the pandemic.

We are all more used to getting out there face-to-face and fundraising in person, but there are now many helpful resources available through the internet, and we want to help you know where to look.

Run, Walk, Cycle or Squat!

We would first suggest the classic fundraising method, exercise, which has the added benefit of being very beneficial for your physical and mental health. You can go for any activity or challenge you can think of, you could do a month of marathons or a morning on a motorbike, all you need to work out first is how you are taking in pledges.

The easiest method of taking money online we would suggest would be setting up a JustGiving page, which you can do by following this link - You can choose My CWA to receive any donations directly. You can also set a target for your fundraising which everyone will be able to see, and then they can contribute once you circulate the page virtually, through social media and email for example.

If you can do anything a bit unusual or have an idea which you think other people might enjoy, you could set up your own fitness or even educational online classes and ask for donations instead of payment. That could just be for your friends, but social media is a great place to start if you want to find other people out there with similar interests.

The 2.6 Challenge aims to highlight and try to make up for some of the money lost from cancelled events by asking people to come up with any activity to repeat based around the number 2.6 or 26 on 26th April, the day the 40th London Marathon would have taken place

If exercise is not your cup of tea, we have an idea that might be perfect - why not host a virtual pub quiz through a service like Skype, Zoom or Google Hangouts? You can ask for donations to take part, come up with prizes and forfeits and have everyone take turns hosting the quiz to spread out the work! This is a great way to keep socialising and have something to look forward to without needing to leave the house… it’s definitely better than drinking alone!

If you’re not fans of quizzes, you could try virtual watch parties or book clubs, you might need to be creative and patient with technology but you can have a wonderful night with your friends and raise some money for charity in the process!

Or how about doing a bit of early spring cleaning and, instead of binning anything you no longer need, listing the items on eBay or another online auction website? You can also take advantage of home collections to avoid needing to go out to post what you do sell, and you can spread word of your auctions through social media and your friends.

We’ve listed a few more ideas below, but really it comes down to every individual person making the best use of their own unique skills and interests to best spread the word of their fundraising efforts and convince people to donate.

Now more than ever, imagination and perseverance are incredibly important and we wish you the very best of luck on your fundraising journey during this pandemic… and please do not hesitate to get in touch if you think we might be able to help!

My CWA Fundraising Kit

We’ve put together some fundraising posters for you.

Some more Fundraising Ideas..

  • Run, walk or cycle – Set yourself a challenge to cover a certain distance in 30 days. Make it achievable but a little bit challenging!

  • Host a virtual escape room – There are lots of online escape rooms and often some good deals on site like Groupon and Wowcher. Charge your friends to join you

  • Host an online quiz – the appeal of this long loved tradition – a ‘pub quiz’ has had to take on a different form in the past year or so, but 2020 proved that online quizzes provide a much needed sense of togetherness and community that we are all lacking right now. Whether big or small, just family or a load of friends, creating a quiz can be really fun! Find out who is most competitive in your family or see if you can beat the self-professed film buff, all while raising money for a really good cause!

  • Celebrating your birthday! Ask for donations to a cause rather than cake, a great way to raise money and save the waistline!  

  • Have a swear jar – Are you a sweary household? You might find you raise a lot!

  • Run an online wine tasting event – partner up with a local wine merchant and see if you can have a virtual get together with your friends, enjoy some wine and learn all about the humble grape

  • Give something up – is it chocolate? Wine? Crisps? Or not even food related? What would you find really hard to give up? Cana you manage it for a week? Or two or even a month? Get family and friends to sponsor you  - see how long you last and how much you can raise!

  • Community Car wash – raise money by washing your neighbours cars, as we move into Spring this will be easier – all outside and socially distanced this can be great way of helping those in your community whilst raising money at the same time. It is a win-win!

Whatever you choose to do will have an impact on those who need help

Here at My CWA we love to work with our local community for the benefit of the local community. Start your fundraiser today, be kind and reap the feel good factor of fundraising.
