Together we can open the door on domestic abuse
During these challenging times, My CWA (also known as Cheshire Without Abuse) have worked hard to ensure that those families who need help have still been able to access their services.
The charity has spent much of lockdown providing the community with their virtual clinics delivered via Zoom, phone and other technology. Now that lockdown is easing somewhat the team at the South Cheshire based charity are thrilled to announce that they have secured space for their Community Domestic Abuse Clinics to resume.
It has been an important mission for the charity to remain ‘open’ in the best possible sense during the pandemic. The rules around social distancing and having to remain at home most certainly meant that some people and families were at greater risk of suffering abuse. My CWA has been working tirelessly to ensure women, men and children who are victims of abuse have not felt alone.
UK wide charity Refuge reported a 700% increase in calls on one day alone at the start of lockdown back in April, in June as lockdown was easing the calls were still up by 80% on last year. *
Lockdown may have eased, but it is clear that the problem has not subsided. 831,000 children and young people in England alone are experiencing domestic abuse at home.**
Where victims are able to remove themselves from these toxic environments it is essential that they have access to the right support and advice.
With a desire to safely support those across the region who would benefit from some face to face advice and counsel, My CWA have five clinic bases that are planned throughout the month of September.
At these clinics there will be advisors from the charity and also professionals from across the regions public sector including the Police and Social Care.
Everybody at My CWA are thrilled that they will be able to start seeing people from the community and provide them with help and support. Deputy CEO Beverly Wrighton said:
‘Whilst we have done our upmost to adapt to the challenges Covid-19 has presented to us during lockdown, and continue to offer virtual support across the region, it will be really great to welcome people into our Domestic Abuse clinics.
The first one in Congleton on the 9th September will also have Cheshire Police there, so these clinics will also be Police clinics ensuring that the best possible advice can be provided. Myself and the team are looking forward to recommencing this kind of support to families from across South Cheshire.’
Booking is essential for both the virtual and face to face clinics, anyone interested must book by calling - 01270 250390.
The clinics announcement comes along with the launch of a series of insights videos created with Cheshire Police and public services offering knowledge and information on all aspects of law, housing and therapy.
Stay in touch through our mailing list be kept up to date on the clinics, videos and more.