Domestic abuse support group Warrington


Domestic abuse charity, My CWA, runs a support group called Coffee & Chat for domestic abuse survivors in the Warrington area.

The group meets on Mondays (1pm–3pm) and brings women who have experienced domestic abuse together to share their experiences, build their support network and – eventually – allow them to recover from their experiences.

Visit Coffee & Chat to find out more.

Why our domestic abuse support group in Warrington is so vital

Women who experience domestic abuse often become isolated from their friends and family.

Distancing you from your loved ones is a common tactic used by abusers to weaken your support network, making you more dependent on them.

It’s to make you believe that no-one else cares about you. To make it easier for your abuse to crush your self-esteem and keep you in your place.

That’s why our domestic abuse support group in Warrington is so important.

It allows women who have experienced domestic abuse to get together and… talk. To open up. To laugh, cry, rant… whatever. To speak freely, in complete confidence to other women who understand.

They know why you can’t just leave. They know what it’s like to hide bruises and put on a brave face. They get it.

To many women, our domestic abuse support group in Warrington is a vital lifeline.

What happens at our domestic abuse support group in Warrington?

As the name suggests, everything we do at our Warrington domestic abuse support group – Coffee & Chat – is informal.

We enjoy a lovely brew and some friendly conversation and we get to know other women who’ve had similar experiences within their relationships.

There’s a learning angle to our sessions to arm you with the information you might need about things like emotional wellbeing, identity and communication skills.

And there’s a relaxation element, where you can enjoy things like arts & crafts, photography and relaxation and holistic therapies (visit Coffee & Chat for details).

When does the domestic abuse support group run in Warrington?  

Our Warrington domestic abuse support group, Coffee & Chat, takes place every Monday between 1pm and 3pm.

If you can’t make it on a Monday, you might be interested in attending one of our other sessions:

Macclesfield Coffee & Chat – Tuesdays (1pm–3pm)

Crewe Coffee & Chat – Thursdays (10am – 12noon)

Visit Coffee & Chat to find out more. Don’t forget, you can call our domestic abuse hub on 0300 123 5101 at any time if you’re in the Warrington area and need to talk.

Do I need to register to attend your Warrington domestic abuse support group?

There are a few administrative bits and pieces we need to go through with you, so we would prefer you to let us know in advance if you’re hoping to attend Coffee & Chat.

But we realise it isn’t always possible and we know it can take a lot of courage to join a domestic abuse support group, so if you want to just turn up when you feel ready, then that’s absolutely fine. We understand. 

If you have any specific accessibility needs, we’d really appreciate it if you could let us know about them in advance so we can ensure we meet them when you attend. Just contact us and we can take it from there.

What next? Attending our domestic abuse support group in Warrington

Lots of women feel fairly anxious at the thought of attending our domestic abuse support group for the first time, but there’s no need to worry.

If you let us know in advance that you’re planning to join us, we’ll make sure there’s someone at reception to meet you so you don’t have to come up to the room alone. Drop us an email or give us a call to let us know.

Next, make a note of our address: The Gateway, 89 Sankey St, Cheshire, Warrington WA1 1SR and remember our Warrington support group runs every Monday between 1pm and 3pm.

Most women are a nervous the first time they attend Coffee & Chat, but we’re a small group of women who understand what it’s like to live with domestic abuse.

We’re friendly and welcoming and we hope you’ll feel a bit less nervous and a bit more like part of our family by the end of your first Coffee & Chat.

If you’re interested in joining us for Coffee & Chat, why not contact us now and we can take it from there?