Here at My CWA we offer a whole family service that’s designed to help everyone affected by domestic abuse. If you’re experiencing domestic abuse or domestic violence by an intimate partner, you’ll find lots of information here that will help you figure out what to do next.
understanding abuse
Abuse isn’t always as easy as leaving – or as obvious as a black eye or broken bones. Domestic abuse is complex and widespread. It can happen to anyone. Find out more here.

My CWA insights
My CWA Insights is a series of videos for domestic abuse survivors.
You’ll find out more about things like bail, Clare’s Law and domestic violence protection orders (DVPOs) / domestic violence protection notices (DVPNs). We hope you find them helpful.
resources for young people

We know that people aged 16 – 25 are more vulnerable when it comes to abusive relationships. That's why we work closely with young people to help them understand what healthy relationships look like – and to spot the early warning signs when relationships become unhealthy or abusive.

survivor stories

Our survivor stories are as unique as the people who tell them. Click here to find out more about how we’ve supported families with their domestic abuse recovery.
If you’re concerned about your own relationship, if you want to help a friend or relative or if you’re looking for more information about how to help children who have might be affected by domestic abuse, please take a look at our get help pages.
Just contact us if you need to talk.