Patronising Protector



Patronising Protector

Screaming, kicking, crying
and all I was doing was trying,
Trying to be better when it wasn’t me who needed to be better it was you.
You decided to punch, you decided to scream.
Not me.

A protector you should be but instead
I needed to be protected from you.
A father you should be but instead
you did nothing to prove you were.
Hitting me… your own daughter.

I found strength to walk away.
I’m still recovering to this day.
It’s not been easy,
the nightmares I have.
The trauma I have crawling beneath my skin.
But you will not win.

A last name we share.
A face many say are the same.
But our story and my future are different.
I will never take the blame for your outbursts.
I will never apologise when you scream.
I’m tired of your lame, boorish excuses.

I will grow into a women who is strong.
A women who empowers.
A women who will share my story to victims to know they did no wrongs, you did.
A women who will never be patronised by you again.
