Blue Monday 2021


Blue Monday 2021

For many people affected by domestic abuse, Blue Monday extends far beyond feeling a bit down towards the end of January.

Lots of the people we support experience long-term mental ill-health as a result of the trauma they’ve experienced. If you’re one of them, we’re here to tell you today – and every other day – that you’re not alone.

Domestic abuse & mental ill-health

There are lots of ways that domestic abuse can affect your mental health. Abuse can damage self-esteem. It can erode every ounce of confidence you have. It can lead to drink and drug misuse as you try to block out the pain. It can make you feel worthless, broken and a million other things.

Feeling blue this Blue Monday

There are also lots of reasons you might feel especially blue this Blue Monday. Firstly, 2020 was far from run-of-the-mill. After all, social distancing, self-isolation, lockdown, illness, home-schooling, shielding, bereavement and worry for what the future holds don’t tend to crop up in your average year. And now another lockdown.

Then you have all the typical stuff that comes up at this time of year. Christmas debt. The aftermath of a festive family rift. Miserable weather. Pay day still feels like ages away. Or perhaps you lost your job and you’re not sure when the next pay day will be. Add an unhealthy or abusive relationship into the mix and anyone would be forgiven for feeling overwhelmed right now.

Reaching out

Whether you’re finding things a bit tough or you’re near the end of your tether and you’re not sure what to do to improve things, there is help out there.

The Samaritans are a great first port of call if you just want to get things off your chest. And My CWA are here to help if you’re experiencing domestic abuse (even if you’re not sure that you are!)

We support families affected by domestic abuse on Blue Monday and every other day of the year. So don’t go it alone. Contact us now if you need to talk.
