Covid-19: Support for anyone affected by domestic abuse


You’re not alone

Domestic abuse comes in many shapes and sizes. It involves any kind of behaviour that hurts people who are in a relationship or part of a family – from put downs and belittling, through to physical and sexual harm. Abuse or the threat of harm is often used to control or force people to do/not do certain things or stay in a relationship that they feel isn’t good for them.

We know that with more people stuck indoors under stressful circumstances, domestic abuse might get worse or happen more often. It might even be the first time you recognise harmful behaviour as domestic abuse.

Support for victims and their children

If you’re reading this now, it might be because you’re being abused or you’re concerned for someone who is.

We want you to know 3 things:

  1. You’re not alone

  2. You and your children have a right to live free from fear

  3. We can help you

Support for people who harm

You might also be reading this because you know the way you treat your partner or family isn’t right.

We want you to know 3 things:

  1. Everyone can take responsibility for their behaviour

  2. We don’t judge – we just want to make everyone safer

  3. We can support you if you want to change

Getting help

In an emergency, ring 999 – the police will be prioritising your calls.

In Cheshire East we provide a helpline for anyone who needs support.

You can get in touch with the Cheshire East Domestic Abuse Hub by…

  • Phoning 0300 123 5101

  • Emailing [This may not be the most secure way to get in touch because you’re sending personal information over the internet, but if it’s your only way it’s better than nothing. Please think about who has access to your emails before you do this.]

  • Texting 07771941464 – We can call you back to save your credit or arrange to speak to you at a time when you can talk without your children or partner overhearing.

  • You can also visit MyCWA website if you’re not ready or not able to contact us. Remember, dial 999 in an emergency.

Self-help and other support

There’s lots of support online for domestic abuse survivors and people who harm. These are a few resources you might find helpful:

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