White Ribbon Day 2021



White Ribbon is a global movement to end male violence against women by engaging with men and boys to make a stand against violence.

On White Ribbon Day, thousands of people stand up, speak out and say no to violence against women.


White Ribbon Day 2021

To mark White Ribbon Day this year, we decorated the tree in the café at Queens Park in Crewe, where we held a decorating / crafting session and distributed leaflets about the ways we can help people affected by domestic violence and abuse. We also created a White Ribbon Day display in our Macclesfield community store.

White Ribbon 2021 campaign video

Following on from the success of our socially-distanced White Ribbon 2020 video, we invited our friends, colleagues and supporters to send in their photos and video clips, promising to…

  • Care

  • Commit to change

  • Challenge (domestic & sexual violence)


Our Voice

Art competition

We also launched Our Voice – an art competition open to domestic abuse survivors and their friends & family – earlier this year and had some amazing entries.

Survivors and their friends & families shared some of their most precious – and often closely-guarded – emotions with us. HUGE thanks to everyone who entered.

And the winners are…

#MakeThePromise #16Days

White Ribbon Day is also the start of the 16 Days of Action campaign to end male violence against women.

Wear your white ribbon for the full 16 days and make the promise to never commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence against women.

If you’ve been affected by male violence against women and you’re not sure where to turn for support, we’re just a phone call away. Contact us when you’re ready. You’re not alone.
