poetry writing


Lots of the people we support use poetry as a coping mechanism after they’ve experienced trauma. And lots of domestic abuse survivors write poetry as part of their recovery journey.


Poetry writing for domestic abuse recovery

Poetry can help people to explore their thoughts and feelings. It can help them make sense of things that have happened. It can boost confidence and self-esteem. And it can help survivors move towards a brighter future.

Poetry has an almost miraculous ability to help people heal.”
— Beverley Wrighton, My CWA

This Woman

A poem by domestic abuse survivors

Meet the busy woman. The clever woman. The strong woman. The awakened woman. The free woman. The judged woman. The doubting woman. And the calm woman.

Click on the image below to watch This Woman now.

Never underestimate the power of poetry!
— Beverley Wrighton, My CWA

Domestic abuse survivor poems

These poems have been written by the survivors we support. These are their words. Their emotions. Their lives. Read their poems now.